Monday, August 3

Thailand looks into Burma nuclear link

Published: 4/08/2009 at 12:00 AM
Newspaper section: News

Thailand is trying to verify reports the Burmese military regime is building a nuclear reactor with a plan to make a nuclear bomb in five years.

National Security Council chief Thawil Pliensri has ordered intelligence officials to check on the reports and said yesterday that so far no evidence has been found that points to a Burmese nuclear programme.

Mr Thawil said regional security could be jeopardised if the plan to build a nuclear weapon was verified.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Vimon Kidchob said the Thai embassy in Burma had not mentioned anything about a nuclear project but the ministry would closely monitor the issue.

Miss Vimon did not believe Burma would violate the agreement to keep Southeast Asia a nuclear-free zone.

"I am confident that all members of the SEANWFZ are adhering to this principle," she said.

The Southeast Asian Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Treaty has been signed by all members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. The treaty entered into force in 1997.

Rumours are circulating the Burmese junta is receiving cooperation from Russia and North Korea to develop a nuclear programme.

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton expressed concern about the cooperation between Burma and North Korea during talks with Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva and at the Asean Regional Forum in Phuket last month.

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